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I hold an MFA in Photography and have a background in Film, Literature, Book Arts, and Digital Media. For Four years I lived in Berlin, Germany directly following the fall of the Berlin wall. During this time I was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship; I worked with international artists and exhibited my work in the Berlin area; I apprenticed to a master book binder; I was involved in the international performance art project FELDREISE; and I was the recipient of two Landes Brandenburg artist grants.
In the early 2000’s, my lens-based artistic practice expanded to explore the potential that new technology has for bringing visual and sound arts together for interactive and immersive works both online and in physical spaces. My processes included net art, interactive video installations, and multimedia performances, often times collaborative in nature.
My interactive and time-based media is part of’s ArtBase and has been exhibited at SFcamerwork, the Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, the Walker Art Center,, Fylkingen Hz Journal #9, SpringgunPress issue 5, blueOrange 07, and Epoetry [2013], among other international venues.
Simultaneously, through my Unseen Press I publish my own limited-edition photographic artists books, which I design and bind in addition to creating the images and writing. My photo books are in collections internationally, including MoMA, NYC; the Getty Research Institute, LA; and the Kunst Biblothek, Berlin. As technology becomes increasingly co-opted by corporate and social media meglomaniacs, I have returned to darkroom photography and continue whole-heartedly in my my photo book productions, including a regular series of photo zines.
My current work involves photographs I made in 2016 and 2019 in Berlin, Germany; Poland; Belarus; Lithuania; and Latvia. In 2019, I printed and bound thirteen unique photo books, which together make-up the boxed collection, To A Place of Time, Between Four Walls. This limited edition, hand-made box of inter-related photo books, explores through intimate and lived experience, how the synergy between Hitler and Stalin's terror impacted Eastern Europe and is reflected through the current built environment. It also considers how this resonates with our contemporary moment in the US. Structurally, the books explore dynamics between image and text in a variety of ways, which the reader must handle, turn over, open-up, and unfold, thereby revealing the various historical perspectives the books represent. The images hypnotically pull the viewer into the spaces, while the texts draw connections and raise questions for our troubling times.